What is the “Whole Sale” page?

  • This page is for bulk orders placed for the purpose of catering or other businesses that stock our products such as Char Grill! If you are interested then head to the contact page to fill out a form.

When are the cookies shipped?

  • To help guarantee freshness we ship cookies weekly on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please allow up to 7 days for shipping!

Do you offer other treats or flavors?

  • We are currently working on more treats and flavors for our customers! We want to make sure they are perfected before launching so that we keep our top quality promise. If you have any suggestions for flavors you would like to see please DM us on instagram! (@justachipmore_) We are here to please you!

How do I give feedback on my order?

  • We are always looking to improve and love to hear from our customers. Any customers who DM us a review of their first order will receive 10% off their next order! (Another special offer may be rewarded for posting your review and tagging us!)

What if I’d like to place a large order?

  • If this is a catering order or something local and you’d like delivery from us then fill out the form linked above or go to the whole sale page. Otherwise if its a large shipping order then purchase cookies per usual through the store and we will fulfill all orders Tuesday and Thursday each week.